Saving Insights

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Be Aware: Health Savings Account Rules Change Over Time

As you reach certain milestones, the rules for tapping the tax advantages of an HSA may change.
These tax-sheltered accounts are growing in popularity, and it's important to understand all the health savings account rules because they shift as you age or reach certain lifestyle milestones.

How to Save Your Next Dollar

Use this infographic to determine the best way to save cash based on your unique needs.
There's no one-size-fits-all answer for the best way to save cash.

How Interest Rate Changes Can Affect Economic Trends

The balancing act between interest rates and inflation is affecting housing markets and investment returns, making it more important to have a solid financial plan.
A strategic approach to financial planning may help you navigate the current and future interest rate environment.

College Savings: The Rules are Changing

529 plans have more flexibility than they once did, and there are other ways to save for college.
While 529s are the only tax-advantaged savings vehicle for college, there are other options that do create flexibility.

Understanding Personal Liquidity

Personal liquidity plays a key role in your financial health. Learn how to maintain the right liquidity ratio while pursuing growth.
As you evaluate your personal finances and create a financial plan, your personal liquidity can be a helpful metric to consider.

3 Smart Ways to Invest in CDs

Learn how to invest in CDs as a way to help you maximize savings while maintaining liquidity.
By staggering the maturity dates of CDs, you can capitalize on longer-term growth options while having access to liquid funds.

Are CDs a Good Investment for Retirees?

In today's high-rate environment, are CDs good for retirement income? Explore the benefits and drawbacks.
CDs provide a fixed interest rate over a specified period—one that's often higher than what a traditional savings account may offer.

Certificates of Deposit: The Benefits of CDs

Certificates of deposit are a popular financial instrument. Here's how to determine if a CD is right for your goals.
Whether you're saving for a down payment on a home or simply building your nest egg, understanding the role CDs can play in a diversified portfolio is a great step toward making more informed financial decisions.

How to Maximize FDIC Coverage on Deposits

Learn how account titling can help you maximize FDIC coverage and protect your money.
The rules get a little more complex when you have more than $250,000 deposited in an FDIC-insured bank, but there are ways to stay protected.

Strategically Grow Your Retirement Fund

Maxing out IRA contributions can be an important part of your retirement investing plan.
Maxing out Roth IRA contributions may be the best plan if you expect to be in a higher tax bracket when you retire.

Have You Considered CD Laddering as a Savings Strategy?

CD laddering is ideal for those who want FDIC-insured savings, higher interest rates and protection from market risk.
With CD laddering, you invest money in multiple CDs with different maturity levels instead of investing in one CD and waiting for it to mature.

Want to Improve Your Financial Stress and Mental Health?

Pay attention to your wallet. Financial stressors can greatly impact mental and physical health.
A majority of Americans surveyed say money is a significant source of stress in their lives.

How to Do a Financial Checkup

Assess your financial wellness with this step-by-step guide.
Everyone has to make adjustments to their financial plan from time to time.

4 Habits That Can Help Build Long-Term Wealth

Building wealth is different for everyone, but these basic habits can get you started.
Building wealth over time requires living within your means so you can save more than you spend.

War, Inflation and Interest Rates: Things You Can Do for Your Finances

You can take steps to protect your finances when the news is bad.
History makes it clear that the market turbulence of early 2022 is not a rare thing. Neither is a subsequent recovery.

The Benefits of Saving Your Tax Refund

If you're getting a tax refund this year, consider saving instead of spending it the first chance you get. Here's why.
Here's a few options you might want to consider if you’re getting a tax refund this year.

Showing 1 - 16 of 43 results

Showing 1 to 16 of 43 results

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