Retirement Insights

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Ideas for Preserving Generational Wealth

Once your retirement is secure, you may want to pursue strategies to preserve wealth beyond your lifetime.
With a legacy plan in place, you have an opportunity to make a difference that can be sustained long after you've passed away.

Jump-Start Your Retirement Savings With These Tips

Applying a few simple tactics to save for retirement can help you enrich your next egg as you reach each life milestone.
When it comes to saving for retirement, there's no time like the present. The sooner you start saving, the more time your retirement nest egg will have to grow.

Be Aware: Health Savings Account Rules Change Over Time

As you reach certain milestones, the rules for tapping the tax advantages of an HSA may change.
These tax-sheltered accounts are growing in popularity, and it's important to understand all the health savings account rules because they shift as you age or reach certain lifestyle milestones.

Coping When Disability Forces Retirement

An unexpectedly early retirement could force you to manage financial uncertainties, prioritize health and find new income.
Although difficult to predict or prepare for, an early retirement due to a disability doesn't have to have a devastating financial impact.

Key Ways to Think About Financial Planning

Here are some fundamental considerations when making a financial plan.
A financial plan helps you stay adaptable and agile while remaining focused on what's most important.

Is a Roth or Traditional IRA Right For You?

There are essential differences between traditional and Roth IRAs that may impact which option is right for you.
Choosing a Roth or traditional IRA can depend on several key factors, but it all starts with understanding how they differ.

How to Choose a Senior Care Community

It's crucial to decide what assistance you may need before considering your options.
Find the appropriate level of support and assistance that fits your or your loved one's budget.

How to Open an IRA

IRAs are available to most people, and the process of establishing an account is straightforward.
Anyone who's earned income during the year can make contributions to a traditional IRA.

Guide to IRAs: How to Grow Your Retirement Savings

IRAs are a popular way to save for retirement. From tax benefits to contribution limits, learn more about how they work.
Unlike workplace retirement plans, anyone who has earned taxable income during the year can contribute to an IRA.

IRA Withdrawal Rules You Need to Know

Brush up on IRA withdrawal rules to avoid paying costly penalties.
The type of account you own will dictate when you may withdraw your funds without penalty, as well as any tax implications you should be prepared for.

How Empty Nesters Are Downsizing

Today's empty nesters are taking four different approaches to downsizing—including upsizing.
The tried-and-true strategy of buying a smaller home once your kids become independent may still be the best option for many.

A Strategic Approach to Social Security Benefits

Determining when to start your benefits is one of your key pre-retirement decisions.
Figuring out the right time to claim may also depend on your spouse's situation, your work plans and the other savings you have to support your retirement.

Ease Fears of Running Out of Retirement Money

No amount of worry can increase your account balance, so focus on what you can control.
With retirement, it's not just about the numbers. It's asking, 'What is retirement going to look like? What do I really need to survive? What do I need to be happy?

Put Your Retirement Plans Through a Stress Test

It's good to take a realistic look at your dreams and interests before your retirement date arrives.
While there are plenty of unknown variables in any retirement outlook—think market volatility, life expectancy and inflation—you can try to control and plan for certain aspects.

Save Smarter for Retirement With These Strategies

Once you have enough for retirement, other saving options may hold advantages.
For 401(k)s, watch out for the notion that retirement planning is merely is limited to opening a 401(k) and then putting as much money into it as you can.

Inherited IRA Rules

An inherited IRA can be a financial gift, but there are some rules for how you can use it.
The laws around receiving an IRA vary, depending on your relationship with the person who left it to you.

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