Taxes Insights

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Tax Deductions for the Self-Employed

Discover top tax deductions for self-employed workers—from the home office deduction to qualified business income.
The IRS allows self-employed individuals to claim a variety of expenses on their annual tax returns.

Energy Tax Credits for EVs and Home Improvements

Reduce the cost of energy-efficient home improvements and clean energy vehicles with these Inflation Reduction Act tax credits.
Not only do these energy tax credits help reduce your taxable income, but they also can minimize the cost of purchasing an EV or creating a more energy-efficient home.

Tax Deductions and Credits for Homeowners

Explore nine tax breaks for homeowners that can help you offset the rising cost of owning a home.
While the costs of owning a home have increased in recent years, there are many opportunities to save money by lowering your taxes.

IRS Updates for the Upcoming Tax Year

From tax brackets to contribution limits, a wide range of IRS updates will go into effect this year. Here’s what to expect.
While routine, these IRS updates may impact not only how much tax you owe but also how you plan for the future. Staying on top of tax code changes and new tax laws at the start of each year will enable you to modify your financial strategy and ensure you’re well prepared for filing season.

Guide to Common Tax Deductions and Credits

Explore several tax breaks that can help you pay fewer taxes.
Taking the time to explore all the tax breaks that may be available to you can lead to significant savings.

Build on the Basics With Retirement Income 201

Advanced steps could help customize and stabilize your retirement income planning strategy.
As retirement income strategies become more advanced, the more likely it is that you’ll need professional tax help.

4 Things to Know When Receiving an Inheritance

Minimizing taxes on any inheritance you receive can leave you more to use for your needs.
For some, an inheritance may be more complicated than simply being handed a stack of money.

How to Maximize Year-End Charitable Giving

Any time is a good time to carefully consider how you can best benefit yourself and the institutions you want to help.
Start by considering which causes you care most about. Is it access to education, animal welfare or maybe the arts?

The Benefits of Saving Your Tax Refund

If you're getting a tax refund this year, consider saving instead of spending it the first chance you get. Here's why.
Here's a few options you might want to consider if you’re getting a tax refund this year.

Why Tax Planning Should Be More Than a Yearly Practice

Thinking long term allows you to build wealth and a legacy for you and your family.
The tax bracket you're in this year may change next year or in the years to come. 

DIY Taxes: Cost Versus Complexity

Are you missing out on tax savings by doing it yourself?
Choosing the right approach to your taxes can save you time and money.

Showing 1 - 11 of 11 results

Showing 1 to 11 of 11 results

The information provided should not be considered as tax or legal advice. Please consult with your tax advisor.

This material is for informational purposes only and is not intended to be an offer, specific investment strategy, recommendation or solicitation to purchase or sell any security or insurance product, and should not be construed as legal, tax or accounting advice. Please consult with your legal or tax advisor regarding the particular facts and circumstances of your situation prior to making any financial decision. While we believe that the information presented is from reliable sources, we do not represent, warrant or guarantee that it is accurate or complete.

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