Community Association Banking Insights

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Community Association Banking

Best Practices for Creating an HOA Emergency Response Plan

Discover key roles for HOAs, along with best practices for building and implementing an effective recovery plan.
When a disaster strikes, having a clear emergency response plan in place can help protect people and property.
Community Association Banking

Engage and Retain Community Association Management Talent

Learn strategies to help address the shortage of community association managers. Our Insider Series explores promising tactics used by growing companies.
If we don't take care of our team, our staff and our people, what's the point of doing this?
Community Association Banking

How to Pay for an Upcoming HOA Project

Explore different types of HOA financing, and navigate HOA loan requirements with ease.
Bank financing for HOAs is structured to allow associations to move forward with projects and capital improvements without putting a burden on homeowners or capital reserves.
Community Association Banking

Upgrade Your Community Association Banking With API Integration

API integration streamlines community association finances. Save time, reduce errors and improve security with the right banking partner.
API integration gives you the tools to streamline operations through your software and be proactive decision-makers. It’s critical to work with a banking partner that understands the unique needs of the community association industry and prioritizes API technology development to streamline your operations.
Community Association Banking

Understanding FDIC Coverage for HOA Funds

FDIC insurance of up to $250,000 for HOA funds is automatic at FDIC-member banks, but there are simple ways to exceed that cap.
While dividing assets across multiple FDIC-insured banks is one way to maximize FDIC insurance coverage, this can create many complexities and simply isn't an ideal option for many HOAs.
Community Association Banking

How to Build and Manage HOA Reserve Funds

Help your association management clients grow their HOA reserve funds safely and with liquidity in mind.
FDIC protection is the gold standard in the industry. It's required in some states, and even if it's not required, it's definitely a best practice.
Community Association Banking

How to Avoid HOA Scams and Fraud

Protect your HOA from phishing, email account fraud and other scams.
Ramping up a sense of urgency is a common tactic, with fraudsters often sending such requests late in the day, just before a holiday or weekend, or when the purported sender is out of the office.
Community Association Banking

Promoting HOA Board Transparency

Every HOA board is required to provide information to homeowners. Learn how to build trust through transparency.
It's better to conduct most of your sessions with homeowners in attendance so they can feel heard.
Community Association Banking

How Can a Reserve Account Help Your HOA?

When your community association needs to cover immediate expenditures, a reserve account can grow and protect your funds with maximum liquidity.
A product that will provide a steady, reliable rate of return is a must for ensuring association assets will grow to provide the maximum funds possible to maintain and enhance property values.
Community Association Banking

How to Keep Your HOA Reserve Funds FDIC-Insured

Here are some ways to keep your HOA reserves safe and secure with the aid of a single banking relationship.
If your community association has funds over $250,000 and isn’t sure where to place them, it's important to talk with your financial provider to be sure your funds are safe.
Community Association Banking

What Are the Benefits of CD Laddering for Your HOA?

Help your community association money to grow safely while keeping access to your funds.
It’s an ideal cash management concept for community associations because it provides safe earning power and regular access to funds.

Showing 1 - 11 of 11 results

Showing 1 to 11 of 11 results

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