Banking Insights

Explore insights for your small business

Manufacturing & Distribution

Seeing the Vision, Sharing the Excitement

Martin Prieto's relationship with First Citizens is a partnership that goes beyond business.
What drove me to start my own business was to be able to provide a better opportunity for my kids, for my family, and accomplish the American dream.
Skilled Trades

Glover Construction: How Relationships Drive Family's Business and Banking Decisions

Entering the third generation of their family business, Glover Construction switched to First Citizens Bank because of their focus on service and relationships.
My dad taught me the value of relationships and how he conducted business a long time ago.

An Overview of Real-Time Payments

Instant payments can enhance cash management by receiving funds 24/7, every day of the year. See how these popular services can help your business succeed.
Potential improvements to cash flow, easier reconciliation and 24/7/365 service levels have helped make instant payments increasingly popular among small to medium-sized businesses over the past few years.

Tips for Choosing a Business Banking Partner

Consider these factors when deciding on a financial partner for your business banking needs.
By opening a business bank account, you'll also start a relationship with a bank to help you achieve different goals as your business grows.

The Benefits of Relationship Banking

Instead of treating customers as transactions, relationship banking focuses on individual service.
The key to success with relationship banking is a focus on the individual.

Find the Right Banking Partner for Your Nonprofit

Your nonprofit's bank should be a partner in pursuing your mission.
A community bank might provide more personalized support and might form deeper relationships with customers.

Put Your Money to Work for Your Business With a Sweep Account

Instead of letting money sit idle in your bank account, maximize its potential with a sweep account.
A sweep account is a financial product that sweeps funds between checking and higher interest-bearing accounts.

What to Know About Authorized Signers

It could be time to add an authorized signer to your checking account. Here's how.
As the owner, you can decide whom you'd like to make an authorized signer on a bank account.

Showing 1 - 8 of 8 results

Showing 1 to 8 of 8 results

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First Citizens Bank is a Member FDIC and an Equal Housing Lender icon: sys-ehl.

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