Protection Planning
Strategies to protect your financial stability
What's your plan when your health changes?
Regardless of your current life stage or health status, it's important to consider your level of preparation for an unexpected event. Taking the right steps now can help protect your assets and reduce the risk to the financial health of your loved ones.

Get in touch with a wealth professional
The versatility of life insurance
Life insurance is a foundational part of your overall financial plan, and the right strategy can have benefits beyond providing for beneficiaries after your death.
A Closer Look at Long-Term Care
The importance of long-term care insurance
According to a report from the US Department of Health and Human Services, 70% of people who turn 65 will develop severe extended care needs in their future. Whether they appear gradually or suddenly, these circumstances can impact your living situation, financial picture and family dynamics. Implementing the right strategies—at the right time—can provide coordination and stability when it matters most.
Start open lines of communication
Talking about aging and its potential impacts can be difficult, but open conversations with your family and financial team can help provide peace of mind.
Ease the burden on loved ones
Long-term care insurance can help coordinate your extended care plan—and offset its cost—to reduce the emotional stress, administrative tasks and financial burden that may be placed on your family.
Give clarity with proper documentation
A core set of documents can help provide direction when the time comes to enact your extended care plan.
Maintain the lifestyle you want
Long-term care policies can help you decide on the right care location and provide you with the independence to live on your terms.