Planning Insights

Explore insights for your small business


Tips for Small Business Equipment Financing

Business owners should take advantage of these tips for managing small business equipment financing at the end of the year.
Small businesses can optimize tax benefits by strategically timing their capital expenditures.

How SBA Loans Can Simplify Business Exit Success

Discover how SBA loans may help reduce risk, attract more buyers and streamline your business exit.
One tool that may help streamline the process of selling your business and attract a larger pool of qualified buyers is the US Small Business Administration, or SBA, loan program.

Create a Strong Business Succession Plan

Protect what you built and leave your legacy intact with a solid business succession plan.
Follow these succession planning steps to help ensure your own reality matches your dream.

How to Benefit from Customer Behavior Analytics

Discover how behavioral science technology works and how you can benefit from data-driven decisions.
By leveraging customer behavior analytics and data based on previous decision-making, businesses can get insights into their customers' preferences.

Is Your Business Facing a Skills Gap?

Lead your employees into the future by reskilling the workforce.
Select the right candidates by choosing employees who already go above and beyond in their roles and are true team players.

Protect Your Business From Common Risks

Learn about business liability insurance and how it can help cover your potential business risks.
For many business owners, liability insurance is crucial because it covers a large range of potential risks.

Keep the Talent You Have With Employee Engagement

Learn about employee engagement strategies that can help you retain talent and avoid unnecessary turnover.
By ensuring your salaries are competitive, you may avoid tempting employees to leave for better pay and benefits.

Key Employee Retention Strategies to Know

Learn about the benefits and perks you can offer to improve employee retention strategies.
It's important to recognize that different benefits are more important for different groups. If an organization can offer choice, that can be really helpful.

Evaluate if Vendor Consolidation Is Worth It

Vendor consolidation streamlines vendor management, focuses resources and maximizes profit.
Strategic vendor consolidation can strengthen your business relationships.

Explore How to Generate Profits for Your Business

Is your business up and running? Here's how to start thinking about ways you can make a profit.
Money spent hoping to get a return on investment also counts as an expense, even if it helps generate sales.

Is Your Business Prepared for Common Risks?

Companies need to prepare for risks like PR crises, supply chain failures and legal challenges.
The World Economic Forum expects that business uncertainty will remain high in the near future as companies continue to grapple with many types of business risks.

A Quarterly Roadmap for Business Planning

Roll out these four key processes each quarter to set yourself up for success in the year ahead.
Rather than attempt to tackle everything in one month, it helps to break down major categories into manageable pieces that you can tackle throughout the year.

Tips for Creating a Business Plan

Use a business plan as a roadmap so you can explore possibilities and envision how you'll deal with challenges.
A well-written business plan may be the determining factor between an unrealized pipe dream and a well-executed company that's thriving thanks to investor and lender buy-in.
Cash Management

Payment Options for Small Businesses

What are some payment methods small businesses use for success? We cover the most common types, from credit and debit cards to contactless payments.
By selecting a payment system that works best for your business while offering customers the flexibility and convenience of multiple methods of payment, you increase the likelihood of repeat business.

Keep Your Business Running With a Business Continuity Plan

Learn how smart business continuity planning can help you stay afloat when employees are out sick or a natural disaster strikes.
Disruptions are nothing new in the business world, but they can become even more difficult when a pandemic or other type of disaster hits.

To Grow Your Customer Base, Think Local

Your relationship with the community matters. Here's how to get involved as a new business.
Educational programs show community members you want to help them succeed.

Showing 1 - 16 of 34 results

Showing 1 to 16 of 34 results

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