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Protecting Yourself From Investment Scams

Investment fraud has become the costliest form of fraud in America. Find out how to protect yourself.
Approximately one in 10 investors will fall victim to investment fraud at some point in their lives, according to researchers at the University of Pennsylvania's Wharton School.

Can You Spot the 10 Most Common Financial Scams?

When it comes to modern financial scams, awareness and vigilance are key to prevention.
Criminals are adopting increasingly sophisticated tactics, using spoofing technology and leveraging exposed personal data to make their attempts seem legitimate.

Tips to Protect Parents From Fraud

The risk of financial scams is on the rise, but there are steps you can take to help keep your parents' assets safe.
Elderly people are particularly impacted by fraud because they don't have the time to make up for losses that younger generations do.

Latest Financial Scams in 2024

Be able to recognize and respond to new financial scams on the rise in 2024.
Fraudsters attempt to invoke an emotional reaction and create a sense of urgency to steal user IDs, passwords and security codes.

How to Handle Identity Theft

When identity theft occurs, it's important to take action. Here's what to do if your identity is stolen.
When fraud and identity theft are left unreported, significant damage can be done to your bank account and your credit score.

Dark Web Security Tips to Keep Your Finances Safe

Keep scammers from getting enough information to breach your identity.
Change your passwords often, and use a password manager if you tend to forget password or don't know how to create strong options.

The Importance of Watching Out for Scams

Can you recognize impostor scams and scam callers?
Learn to recognize the signs of a scam call so you can protect yourself and your money from a social engineering attack.

How to Combat Online Identity Theft

Follow these best practices to reduce your risk of identity theft.
As you engage with service providers online, post on social media and upload your information on different websites, identity theft will continue to be a risk.

Actionable Mobile Device Security Tips

Follow these practical tips to protect your personal data.
Mobile security has become crucial for protecting personal information.

Prevent Social Engineering Attacks

Keep your sensitive information and finances protected.
A little extra caution can go a long way in protecting your financial data.

Protecting Your Child's Personal Information

Follow these practical tips to help protect your child's identity against misuse, theft and fraud.
Help your child cultivate a healthy sense of awareness when it comes to advertising.

Smishing Gives Scammers Access to Your Information: Here's How

A smishing attack uses text messaging to urge you to give up personal information or click a link.
A text that urges you to act quickly is a red flag that it might be a smishing attack.

How to Spot Student Loan Scams

Do you know how to identify a student loan forgiveness scam? Here's how to protect yourself.
There are legitimate loan forgiveness programs available, and student loan borrowers should know how such programs work so they can recognize student loan scams.

Protect Yourself From Online Job Scams

Learn how scammers are targeting job boards and how to protect yourself during your job search.
If an employer is legitimate, they won't be shy about providing information you request.

Comparing Popular P2P Payment Apps

Venmo, PayPal and Cash App are popular apps for peer-to-peer payments. Learn more about how these P2P apps work.
Apps like Venmo, PayPal and Cash App have attracted millions of users over the last decade.

Do You Recognize These Common Elderly Scams?

Learn the signs of financial scams targeting the elderly so you can help protect your loved ones.
Many seniors can successfully steer clear of scams with some help from supportive relatives or friends.

Showing 1 - 16 of 34 results

Showing 1 to 16 of 34 results

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