Career Insights

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How to Take Full Advantage of a Pay Raise

Learn how your next steps after a raise can help you take control of your finances and your future.
Once you have a sense of how much extra income the pay raise will actually produce, you can begin figuring out the best ways to put it to work.

Make Smart Decisions About Your Work Benefits

Ask yourself these questions as you prepare for open enrollment season.
If something happens that makes you unable to work, it likely will have a financial impact not only on you but also on your parents, siblings, spouse and children.

Stop Fearing a Credit Check for Employment

Stressed about how a credit check for employment could impact your career? Fear not.
Any employer that wants to conduct a credit check for employment must secure your written approval to do so.

Protect Yourself From Online Job Scams

Learn how scammers are targeting job boards and how to protect yourself during your job search.
If an employer is legitimate, they won't be shy about providing information you request.

Stay or Switch Jobs? What to Consider

Job hopping could be a lucrative option, but there may be downsides to keep in mind.
You'll be missing out on a retirement savings boost if you change jobs before being vested in your employer's match.

How to Ask for the Salary You Deserve

Factors like education, years of experience and local cost of living can affect your salary.
Researching average pay rates in your industry can offer guidance about what to ask for a salary.

How to Manage Your Finances When Moving to Freelance Work

Planning out your finances will help smooth the transition from passion project to day job.
Consider trying a part-time side gig before you fully turn your passion into a career.

6 Ways to Use a 529 Plan

A 529 plan isn't only for tuition. A number of other education-related expenses qualify.
Providing your child with a 529 college savings plan is a great way to help them fund higher education expenses.

Sometimes a Pay Cut Can Open Doors

It's possible that less might be more in the right career situation.
There are times when a lower salary could help you achieve new personal and professional heights.

Get Started With Charitable Giving

Here are some actionable steps to give your wealth an impact.
Choose a cause that inspires you and select partners you believe in.

Budget Shifts to Make When Working From Home

Working from home can save you money, but you'll need to plan ahead
Consider increasing your grocery and utility budget each month to account for any extra costs.

How to Rollover Your 401(k)

Consolidating your assets could make them easier to manage.
Protect your savings when you switch jobs.

Why You Should Work in Banking

Banking is known for its job stability.
Banks are a stable place to keep your money, and also a stable place to work.

Showing 1 - 13 of 13 results

Showing 1 to 13 of 13 results

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