Liquidity Solutions
Get more money out of every dollar you make
Optimize your cash with liquidity solutions
It's your cash—put it to good use. Liquidity solutions simplify your daily cash processes through automation. Use your available cash to reduce debt, transfer funds into investments and improve your financial efficiency.
Automatic investment
Move funds into specified investments and earn more on checking accounts.
Business sweep accounts
Invest available funds automaticallyD and earn interest.
Liquidity solutions planning
Get customized options with a team of dedicated liquidity solutions specialists.
Liquidity Solutions Benefits
Make your money work harder
Use a broad range of products
We offer commercial liquidity solutions that allow you to automatically invest available cash balances to maximize your capital with minimal effort.
Generate returns automatically
Excess funds from your business checking account can be used to generate returns on predetermined, short-term investments overnight. Or use available cash to automatically pay down a line of credit. The balances are then transferred back to the original account the next morning.
Maximize your interest income
Sweep funds from your checking account into an overnight investment vehicle. After credits and debits have been processed and target balance requirements are met, the remaining collected balances are invested in one of these predetermined investment instruments in $1,000 increments.