Electronic Data Interchange (EDI)

Process payments faster and more accurately


Choose whether to receive summary or detailed reports.


Reduce errors and inconsistencies caused by manually entering data.


Receive daily email alerts using up to three unique email addresses.

Benefits of Electronic Data Interchange
Fast and secure

Same-day reporting

Receive same-day emails with detailed remittance information for all payments.

Improved efficiency

Save time and paper while accelerating your payment services using EDI addenda. Our service reduces manual processing errors and ensures timely ACH payments and deposits within 1 banking day.

Simplified data

Our service converts EDI codes into easy-to-read text, providing you with complete payment information for all transmitted transactions.

Business Digital Banking

Manage your business on the go

Manage your accounts from anywhere

Send & transfer money with ACH and wires

Receive account and security alerts

Business Digital Banking

Manage your business on the go

Manage your accounts from anywhere

Business Digital Banking

Manage your business on the go

Send & transfer money with ACH and wires

Business Digital Banking

Manage your business on the go

Receive account and security alerts

Normal bank approval applies.

Links to third-party websites may have a privacy policy different from First Citizens Bank and may provide less security than this website. First Citizens Bank and its affiliates are not responsible for the products, services and content on any third-party website.

Bank deposit products are offered by First Citizens Bank. Member FDIC and an Equal Housing Lender. icon: sys-ehl.

NMLSR ID 503941