Commercial Image Archive

Go digital with self-service account management

Store checks and statements more efficiently

Be more productive in handling your accounts. With our web-based commercial image archive, you can quickly research and view paid checks and statements in an easy-to-access format.

Get quick access

Commercial image archive lets you view checks and statements for servicing and research.

Locate transactions easily

Our robust filtering and search capability allows you to find items faster. Plus, you can see the front and back of canceled checks.

Organize finances

Reduce administrative costs by handling your accounts on our commercial image archive service.

Commercial image archive

How it works

Our image archive service helps you quickly research and locate your paid checks or bank statements for proof of payment and activity reconciliation.


Access commercial image archive anytime online.

Quick access

Fast and safe online access for financial recordkeeping.


Easily research and locate checks or statements with options to view, print and download images.

Stay organized

Eliminate the need to store statements and checks at your offices.

Business Digital Banking

Manage your business on the go

Manage your accounts from anywhere

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Business Digital Banking

Manage your business on the go

Manage your accounts from anywhere

Business Digital Banking

Manage your business on the go

Send & transfer money with ACH and wires

Business Digital Banking

Manage your business on the go

Receive account and security alerts

Commercial Image Archive FAQ
People often ask us

Commercial image archive is a web-based service that provides you with 24-hour access to paid check images and statements. You can use this service to research and view up to 7 years of history of paid check images and statements.

First, Log In on by selecting the button in the upper right-hand corner. Next, choose Other Services and then Commercial Image Archive. After inputting your credentials, you'll see the commercial image archive landing page. A reference guide is available on that page.

To begin a search:

  1. Select the check images icon.
  2. Select the applicable account for which you want to view paid check images.
  3. Select one or more additional search options to narrow down your search: date or range, check number or range, or check amount or range.
  4. Once complete, select the Search button to bring up the search results.
  5. You can view the check images or download them.

To begin a search:

  1. Select the bank statements icon.
  2. Select the applicable account for which you'd like to view statements.
  3. Select the month or date range for which you'd like to view statements.
  4. Once complete, select the Search button to bring up the search results.
  5. You can view or download the statements.

Normal bank approval applies.

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Bank deposit products are offered by First Citizens Bank. Member FDIC and an Equal Housing Lender. icon: sys-ehl.

NMLSR ID 503941