Lockbox Services
Accelerate the collection of checks and remittances
Optimize cash flow
Expedite the processing and posting of collections.
Improve processes
Streamline exception management and account reconciliation.
Consolidated online experience
Secure online access to deposits, images, archive and reports.
Lockbox services
Tailored, secure solutions that fit your needs
Wholesale Lockbox
Most commonly used for processing business to business, or B2B payments, this generally has a high dollar value and low transaction volume with no standard format for remittance detail. Processing can be manual or customized.
Retail Lockbox
Best suited for consumer to business, or C2B payments, this generally has a low dollar value and high transaction volume with standard invoice or coupon format. Processing can be automated with standard data fields.
Remote Lockbox
This type allows businesses to locally scan and process checks and remittance documents at an office location. Deposits are consolidated with existing lockbox deposits.
First Citizens Bank Receivables™
This secure online experience is used to view lockbox batches, deposits and images. It allows authorized users to generate standard and custom reports to manage, reconcile and balance lockbox transactions. Additional modules include archiving, exception decisioning, and imaged based reporting and file delivery.
Manage your business on the go
Manage your accounts from anywhere
Send & transfer money with ACH and wires
Receive account and security alerts