Philanthropic and Charitable · November 27, 2024

5 Strategies for Systematic and Purposeful Charitable Giving

Hank Dunbar

Charitable & Philanthropic Services Manager

The end of the year is often a season when people feel generous and want to give back.

It's a time when many individuals consider those who may be less fortunate and take steps to support the causes and charities important to them.

The power of strategic giving

Many people give their resources to a number of different charities, often in response to a direct request. While this reactive giving may serve a good purpose, thinking long term and adding structure to your charitable giving strategy can result in better outcomes for both you and the organizations you support.

A more strategic approach to your giving can help you make the most of your contributions—and it can boost your tax savings. Setting annual donation goals, giving throughout the year and choosing the right donation structure are just a few smart ways to optimize your charitable giving efforts.

Discover five additional strategies in the video below, and consider incorporating them into your philanthropic financial plan.

5 Ways to Maximize Your Charitable Giving video

First Citizens Wealth™

Hank Dunbar, Manager of Philanthropic and Charitable Services

Making strategic choices about how you can give can help you make the most of your contributions, and it can boost your tax savings.

5 Ways to Maximize Your Charitable Giving

We've put together five strategies that can help individuals take their personal giving to the next level.

1 Establish goals

The first one is to establish goals. Identify the causes you care most about, identifying charities that focus on your priorities by talking to your friends or by talking to your family members, and then doing some research on your own.

2 Conduct research

Go to Charity Navigator or GuideStar. Nonprofits are very public entities, so you can look at a 990 or a 990 PF return on foundations, nonprofit organizations in general, and see how they use the money that's given them.

3 Create a giving plan

So once you've identified your favorite causes, the things that you really are passionate about, you want to create a giving plan. Choose one or two charities—don't try to shotgun it at first, but really give it a focused approach—that align with your values, and consider what you want to achieve when you are working with those charities. Decide how your donations are going to be used. Decide how much you want to contribute. And think about how often you want to give.

4 Consult your advisors

This is something you really need to have a serious conversation with your advisor on. Your financial advisor, the person who helps you understand what your assets are—the nature of your assets and the value of your assets. And the other person is your tax planner, your CPA. You and those two people together form the team that decides how much to give and what to give. They can help you find a level of giving that's appropriate for your circumstances and that you can be comfortable with, and they can also help you plan for the future in other ways.

5 Engage your family

It's also a great time to engage your children, especially when they're young, in the giving process. That whole concept is just a really good way of establishing a legacy of philanthropy in your family.

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Potential tax benefits

In addition to supporting worthy organizations, making charitable contributions may also provide significant tax benefits. Many taxpayers are eligible to deduct any donations made to a qualified organization from their taxable income, thereby reducing their overall tax liability.

As of 2024, the IRS allows taxpayers who itemize to deduct up to 60% of their adjusted gross income, or AGI, for cash donations to qualified charitable organizations. Donations of noncash assets have a lower limit—up to 30% of AGI—but may offer additional tax benefits.

Connect with your tax advisor and financial team. They can help you assess the potential tax impacts of your philanthropic goals and ensure your generosity supports your holistic wealth strategy.

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