Business Owner Interest Insights

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Business Owner Interest

Do You Know What Your Business is Worth?

Learn the critical elements that can help you determine the current and future value of your business when considering a sale.
If you're considering the sale of your company, these eight factors may help you arrive at an equitable valuation in the short term.
Business Owner Interest

Preserving One Family's Legacy

Martin Prieto and his family built their business through hard work. Now, First Citizens is helping them preserve it.
Prieto started his own business to be a part of the community while building a legacy for his family.

Will a New IRS Focus Impact Your Business?

Learn how the recent focus affects income derived from pass-through business entities.
The IRS has committed substantial new resources specifically to increase auditing of pass-through entities.
Business Owner Interest

Managing Your Equity Stake as a Founder

Building long-term personal wealth means proactively managing your equity holdings from day one.
Founders who take the time to plan their financial futures can ensure that their success in business translates into lasting personal wealth.

Major Update to Small Business Law

The Corporate Transparency Act went into effect on January 1, 2024, and impacts millions of small businesses in the US. Here's what you need to know.
The companies impacted by the CTA are mainly the millions of US-based small businesses with 20 or fewer employees and less than $5 million in revenue.

Stock Redemption Agreements No Longer Reduce Tax Liabilities

A 2024 Supreme Court ruling means death benefit proceeds from company-owned shareholder insurance increase taxable estate value.
The June 2024 Supreme Court decision in Connelly v. Internal Revenue Service held that a corporation's stock redemption agreement doesn't offset the value of life insurance policy proceeds applied to fund the redemption.
Business Owner Interest

Tips for Personal Financial Planning Before an IPO

Consider these important questions about the benefits of pre-IPO planning and its impact on your personal financial goals.
If you're within 12 months of a possible initial public offering, or IPO, it's important to take steps towards attaining the best outcome for building your personal wealth.
Business Owner Interest

Learn More About the QSBS Exemption

The QSBS exemption can potentially protect up to $10 million from federal taxes.
If you're a founder, angel investor or employee of a successful early-stage company, certain qualifications might help you protect up to $10 million from federal taxes.
Business Owner Interest

Building a Business Exit Strategy

When it comes to business exit planning, it's important to start early. Following this 3-phased process makes planning more straightforward.
Having an established exit plan in place long before you think you’ll need it can also help soften worst-case scenarios.
Business Owner Interest

Crucial Steps for Generational Succession Planning

Transitioning a family business from one generation to the next? Generational succession planning can help.
Planning for a prosperous generational transition involves many steps, but there are three critical milestones owners should consider to achieve intended outcomes.
Business Owner Interest

Ideas for Business Owners During Difficult Economic Times

With smart planning, your business can be a source of retirement income for you and a legacy for your family or community.
When stressful decisions arise, turning to a business financial plan can help.

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Showing 1 to 11 of 11 results

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About the Entities, Brands and Services Offered: First Citizens Wealth™ (FCW) is a marketing brand of First Citizens BancShares, Inc., a bank holding company. The following affiliates of First Citizens BancShares are the entities through which FCW products are offered. Brokerage products and services are offered through First Citizens Investor Services, Inc. ("FCIS"), a registered broker-dealer, Member FINRA and SIPC. Advisory services are offered through FCIS, First Citizens Asset Management, Inc. and SVB Wealth LLC, all SEC registered investment advisors. Certain brokerage and advisory products and services may not be available from all investment professionals, in all jurisdictions or to all investors. Insurance products and services are offered through FCIS, a licensed insurance agency. Banking, lending, trust products and services, and certain insurance products and services are offered by First-Citizens Bank & Trust Company, Member FDIC, and an Equal Housing Lender, and SVB, a division of First-Citizens Bank & Trust Company. icon: sys-ehl

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