Success Stories & Transactions
Recent successes

Commercial Real Estate Loan


Olympia Veterinary Hospital
Professional Services
Capital Improvement Line of Credit


Law Firm
Manufacturing & Distribution
Working Capital Line of Credit


Comer Distributing Company
Digital Banking for Business

Manage your accounts from anywhere

Transfer between accounts or send money using ACH and wires

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Digital Banking for Business

Manage your accounts from anywhere

Digital Banking for Business

Transfer between accounts or send money using ACH and wires

Digital Banking for Business

Receive account and security alerts

Our Forever First Promise

Forever First® means the name on our door will stay the same for years to come.

Forever Stable

Taking care of customers—year in, year out—isn't just our track record. It's our promise.

Forever Family

We're one of America's largest family-controlled banks, led for three generations by members of one family.

Bank on Customer Service
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Grow your business

Account openings and credit are subject to bank approval.

Links to third-party websites may have a privacy policy different from First Citizens Bank and may provide less security than this website. First Citizens Bank and its affiliates are not responsible for the products, services and content on any third-party website.

Bank deposit products are offered by First Citizens Bank. Member FDIC and an Equal Housing Lender. icon: sys-ehl.

NMLSR ID 503941